Controlling The Voracious Kangaroo Rat Using Hardware Cloth

March 16, 2010 John Maguire

The Problem

Kangaroo Rat


Kangaroo rats are a small rodent with a big appetite for seeds and vegetation and can destroy a garden of any style. They are nocturnal and raid gardens and hoard foods during the night. Traditional apron fences and chicken wire are ineffective at keeping them out because the rat can squeeze thru a small opening.

Before we consider how to stop them, let's take a moment to learn a little more about this interesting creature. It inhabits primarily the Southwestern U.S. and gets its name from its long hind legs and the way it sits on them and hops (up to six feet, in a single bound!). But that's where the similarity ends. The exceptional characteristic that they possess is the ability to survive in the desert. They have an amazing kidney function that allows them to survive for long periods without water. They have large, expandable cheeks that they pack with food and then bring it back to a storage location for later consumption when there is none available. This is how they can devastate a garden so quickly because they don't take time to eat, they grab as much as they can and then come back for more. They like seeds the most, so they do the most damage during planting season. They dig up seeds and clip off sprouts at their base.

The Solution

So, if traditional fencing does not work, what will? Hardware cloth is a light weight galvanized mesh; it is available with ¼" square openings, too small for even the kangaroo rat to squeeze thru. Since the rats can burrow, below ground protection is also required.

The perimeter of the garden should be enclosed with the hardware cloth. It should extend at least 30" above grade and 12" below. Additionally, at the bottom, the material should be bent out forming a 6", 90° "L" similar to apron fence. Therefore a small trench of 7-8" wide x 12" deep should be dug around the garden, the L shaped hardware cloth is dropped in and backfilled. The portion extending above ground should be secured to posts. However, if there is an existing fence there is no reason to remove it, simply attach the hardware cloth to it.

installation drawing kanagaroo rat fence

This should prevent the kangaroo rat from squeezing thru or 1/4burrowing under into your garden. This method is both humane and effective and works best for smaller home gardens. Larger fields may require a different solution. 

23 gauge, 4 x 4 (1/4") Hardware Cloth, 48" x 100' Roll SKU# HC448

23 gauge, 4 x 4 (1/4") Hardware Cloth, 48" x 50' Roll SKU# HC4548


Dept of Fisheries & Wildlife Sciences, New Mexico State Univ.

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