How Many Chooks Can a Cookhouse hold?

October 15, 2024 debbie

How many Chooks can a Chookhouse hold?How Many Chooks Can a Cookhouse hold?

How Many Chooks Can a Chookhouse Hold?

My Aussie friend living in Vanuatu recently shared this story about a black bantam chook (Aussie for chicken) affectionately known as Chooky. Chooky wasn't just any ordinary hen; she was a survivor in a world full of lurking dangers.

Nestled beside her Aussie friend's home, Chooky's days were filled with scratching the earth for tasty morsels, basking in the warm tropical sun, and watching her surroundings. But living next door to a pack of fierce Dobermans made her life anything but ordinary.

Despite the constant threat, Chooky was a diligent mother, and one fateful day, she surprised everyone by reappearing with a bustling brood of 14 tiny chicks. She was fiercely protective, her maternal instincts kicking into high gear. Each night, she nestled her precious chicks under the protective canopy of the fig tree, spreading her wings wide to shield them from harm.

But the danger was never far away. The neglected fence between the properties offered a tempting passage for Chooky to forage for food. It was during one of these excursions that tragedy struck.

As Chooky ventured beneath the fence, the Dobermans were on her in seconds, trapping her in a precarious position. With a chilling scream that pierced the air, Chooky fell victim to the lurking danger, leaving her chicks motherless in the blink of an eye.

The blame game ensued, with the fence owner deflecting responsibility onto Chooky's owner, arguing that the fence should have been mended. It was a twisted reality where accountability seemed lost amidst the chaos.

Despite the lack of apology, there was a glimmer of hope. Recognizing the need for resolution, the fence owner extended an olive branch, offering a portable wire mesh chook house for the orphaned chicks. It was a small gesture, but it paved the way for peace and reconciliation.

With a secure shelter to call home, Chooky's chicks thrived, their chirps filling the air with newfound vitality. And though Chooky's presence was sorely missed, her legacy lived on in the resilience of her offspring.

In the end, amidst the trials and tribulations of life in the backyard, it was a story of resilience, compassion, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her chicks. And through it all, the backyard in Vanuatu remained a place where even the smallest creatures could find refuge and solace in the face of adversity.

Before Adversity Takes You, Check Out This Week’s Special

Let me tell you about this week’s special in our warehouse. We have just 38 rolls of gorgeous Belgium-made hexagonal netting. It’s 22 gauge with ½ “ openings and is just under three feet wide. Each roll is 164 inches long. How can you use this netting, often called Sparrow Netting? Here are some ways to help you tremendously as you garden and/or farm your plot:

  • Chicken house and run
  • As a top netting for your chicken run
  • Canary cages (Martha Stewart has ordered this from us for this very purpose, and I can help you get the plans to build your canary cage.)
  • A balcony or deck safety or animal barrier netting
  • Use as floral wire (one of our customers makes astonishing flower structures for weddings, etc.)

Here’s the deal: Order before Friday, March 1st, at 3 PM Eastern, mention this email and I’ll give you 20% off. Order the whole lot and save 25%. Check it out on our Sparrow Netting now!

Warm regards,

Debbie Page
CEO, Louis E. Page Inc.

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