How restful are your Sundays?

November 8, 2024 debbie

How restful are your Sundays?

I love Sundays because they allow me to rest and restore my spirit, my soul, and my inner being. Most of us rush through the week, including Saturday. There’s always something to do to keep us fast-tracking through the day, but then Sunday arrives. It’s time to take a deep breath of relief. Your rest has come.

For many people, Sunday is the day for worshipping and coming together with like-minded people. They may gather in a church, a home, or on a mountaintop, but they gather and encourage one another. They sing familiar songs or hymns in worship.

Singing, especially singing as a group or congregation, has tremendous benefits. It releases endorphins and oxytocin, the feel-good hormones. Singing boosts your mood and increases your pain threshold. It reduces stress and helps your mental health. I’ve started singing throughout my day. It’s a fantastic exercise that brings joy and relaxation.

I recommend gathering with others on Sundays and singing together. Both will boost your mood. Every Sunday, as I prepare for worship, I remind myself of the third of the Ten Commandments: “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.”

Take time for yourself. Make rest a part of your week. Sing to your heart’s content.

Does this have anything to do with fencing? Perhaps you can think about Psalm 100:4, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” Each time you walk through a gate, stop, reflect on God's goodness, and sing praises.

Call Terry T@C about your latest fence project. If you know and appreciate her as I do, sing her praises! You’ll make her day.

All my best regards,

Debbie Page

CEO, Louis E. Page Inc–Woman-owned business and Family-owned since 1893. (So 131 years ago our family ancestor Louis E. founded the company)

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