The prancing predator
He was too busy dancing around the hen house to notice the intruder. When he came face to face with Daniel, the fox was too stunned to dart away. That pesky, sly fox was back again. He’s already eaten 15 hens! It didn’t take long for him to realize he was up against something more significant than him.
The hen house or pen is brand new this time, and the fox can’t get in. Daniel came up with a new plan, and it’s working! The entire coop is made of hoop posts, like a high tunnel. He built a high tunnel for the chickens and covered it with black vinyl-coated hexagonal netting. It’s pretty lovely, and as I said, it works!
I like having the chickens enclosed in the netting. That way, the children can feed them through the openings without fear of getting zapped by an electric fence. The baby is enthralled with these creatures. We sat outside the pen for a while, listening to the high-pitched chirps and trills.
I love watching these children grow up with cows and chickens on a farm. Who knows what else the family will add to their menagerie? They are talking about hogs. I’m talking about horses. Every child needs an old horse to play with on a farm.
Do you want to raise hens for eggs and roosters for meat? Take a cue from Daniel. This hoop tunnel works much better than an electric fence for keeping out predators.
Call Terry at 978-486-3116. T2C Let her help you decide which wire mesh you need.
Kind Regards,
Debbie Page
CEO, Louis E. Page Inc–Woman-owned business and Family-owned since 1893. (It adds up to over 131 years owned and run by our family. Think about it: Nobody stays around in business that long without really supporting customers so they want to come back!)