Deer Fence - Is It The Best Solution?

October 21, 2009 Duncan Page

dder at dawn

It is common knowledge that deer have become a problem which seems to intensify every year. As their natural habitat has decreased in area, deer have been forced into greater and closer contact with humans. Deer have become not only a nuisance but also, in some situations, a threat to human life.

  • Hungry deer invade gardens and areas with expensive plantings.
  • The impact on agriculture - farms and orchards - is extensive and expensive.
  • The USDA estimates that total deer damage from auto collisions and crop and timber losses
    reaches at least $1 billion a year
  • Deer on the roads cause many accidents, often fatal to both deer and people.
  • There are 1.5 million car accidents with deer each year, resulting in human fatalities, and personal injuries.
  • When deer are present there is an increased risk to humans of Lyme disease spread by ticks.
  • Deer overpopulation reduces the quality of habitat. The resulting lack of food can lead to unhealthy diseased deer.

There is no easy answer to the problem. Some of the possible means of control are:

  • Exclusion
      • Deer and wildlife fence barriers
      • Individual trees and plants protection
      • Plants deer dislike
  • Deterrents
      • Devices to scare deer with sound or visual stimuli
      • Dogs
      • Repellents using odors deer dislike
  • Population management
      • Hunting
      • Culling - thinning out weak unhealthy animals
      • Fertility control

What do you think is the best solution for your particular deer problem?

Is there one solution that can address every situation?

Is inaction the best action?

Download the following PDF that provides more detailed information of this topic:

USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Wildlife Services fact sheet

Another interesting article from NCAT: Deer Control Options

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