Living Fencing

October 26, 2009 Duncan Page

living fence

Living fencing can be an alternative to conventional wire, wood, vinyl and masonry fences. As noted in David Beaulieu's excellent article "Living Walls as Privacy Fences", living fencing has certain advantages:

  • lower cost
  • more attractive
  • fruit production
  • reduces traffic noise
  • seasonal foliage variation
  • provides a habitat for birds and small animals
  • sometimes less restricted by zoning regulations
  • can be pruned and sculpted into different shapes

Living fences make excellent privacy screens around your property. Planting a thicket of small trees or shrubs creates an effective barrier. Flowering bushes, deciduous and evergreen shrubs can be planted. The type of plants used will determine the height, width and appearance of the fence. How they are planted will determine the visual and physical tightness of the barrier. If necessary, a conventional fence can also be used to keep pets and children in the yard. A living fence can also be used around smaller areas in the yard such as patios.

Living snow fences can also be a great alternative to plastic or wood snow fencing. The design will determine downwind snow distribution. A dense multiple row living snow fence will pile snow in a restricted area, reducing the need to plow highways and driveways. To make windbreak for the uniform distribution of snow across a field, a single row of tall deciduous trees can be spaced 15 to 20 feet apart. Snow will be distributed to a distance of 10 to 15 times the height of the trees.

The following articles about living snow fences are very informative:

Have you ever considered planting a living fence?

Would living snow fencing be a solution that would work for you?

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