BABY SAVER wire is designed specifically for protecting kits (baby rabbits) in rabbit cages. Unlike standard welded wire mesh which has a 1”x2” mesh for the entire width, this wire mesh has a ½”x1” mesh for the bottom 4” which prevents kits from falling or being pulled through the cage.
Even though baby saver wire is more expensive than the standard wire used for rabbit cages, the cost is more than worth it to prevent the loss of kits. After all, what good is a rabbit cage if it does not protect the kits?
Baby saver is welded from 14 gauge wire and is available in both GAW (Galvanized After Weld) and GBW (Galvanized Before Weld) finish. The GAW wire will last far longer than the GBW. After the welding process the mesh is drawn through a bath of molten zinc. The weld spots and wires are thoroughly protected from rust and corrosion. Although more expensive initially, you will save the expense and hassle of replacement.
Rolls are 18”x100’. The bottom 4” has a mesh opening of ½”x1” and the top 14” has a mesh opening of 1”x2”. It is made of 14 gauge galvanized steel wire for strength and security.
Protect your kits from untimely death by choosing baby saver wire so you and your rabbits can enjoy peace of mind! Your Mama rabbits will thank you!