How Is Apron Fence Unique?

May 21, 2013 Rick Hoffman



Although the name may make this product sound like a culinary device, it is actually a versatile and uniquely designed fence which is ideal for a host of different applications. 

What makes apron fence unique? It is designed with a 12” hinged apron that can be turned 90 degrees in either direction to prevent animals from burrowing underneath. For example, to prevent Beagles from digging underneath the fence to get out, place the apron inside the perimeter of the fence. To prevent raccoons, foxes, and other predators from burrowing underneath and getting in, place the apron outside the perimeter of the fence.

Installation is fast and easy since there is no need to dig a trench - a time bandit hassle. Simply place the apron on the ground and cover with soil or grass for a neater appearance. Vegetation will grow up through the mesh, securing the fence to the ground.


Apron fence and beagle


Apron fence is ideal for Beagle training pens, running pens, kennels, as well as game bird pens and chicken pens. Great for garden fence because it protects the garden from hungry wildlife looking for a free and tasty meal!

Apron fence is made of 17 gauge galvanized steel 1-½” hex wire, making it more than twice as strong as standard 20 gauge 1” hex chicken wire. This greater strength and durability provides longer life. Made in the USA by Red Brand (Keystone Steel), it is available in two sizes – 60” (48” fence height, 12" apron) and 72” (60” fence height, 12" apron), and in galvanized or vinyl coated finish.

The vinyl coating is bonded to the wire and is UV stabilized for long life. The black vinyl coating is more attractive and blends into the background, becoming nearly invisible. You can easily see what is inside the fence, an attractive advatage in your garden. Paying more up front for vinyl coating will save money and time in the long run because it will last years longer than the galvanized, and will eliminate the expense and hassle of replacing the fence.

Whether your objective is to keep animals in or keep them out, Apron fence will exceed your expectations!



Rick signature  Rick VP sales Louis E. Page, Inc.

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