How Turtle Fence Can Protect The Threatened Desert Tortoise

July 18, 2013 Rick Hoffman

desert tortoise

The Desert Tortoise

You may not realize it, but the Desert Tortoise is struggling to survive after millions of years of life on earth. The desert tortoise in the Mojave Desert (north and west of the Colorado River) was federally listed under emergency provisions of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as endangered on August 4, 1989 and permanently listed as a threatened species on April 2, 1990. The tortoise was listed because of direct losses and threats to tortoise populations and habitat.

One of the major reasons for loss is death by vehicles on roads and highways. Other causes of loss include habitat lost to urbanization, Upper Respiratory Disease Syndrome, agriculture, road construction, off highway vehicle use and others. All of these activities fragment the tortoise habitat which may reduce a tortoise population below the level necessary to maintain a minimum viable population.

The U.S. Endangered Species Act makes it illegal to harass, collect, or harm tortoises and provides for penalties of up to $50,000 in fines and one year in prison for each count.

The desert tortoise is the largest reptile and the only wild land tortoise found in southern Nevada. It also exists in western California, southwestern Utah, western Arizona, and northwestern Mexico. A tortoise will live in the same general area of less than one square mile during its lifespan of 50-100 years. It ranges in size from 2 to 15 inches and is soil colored.  Because of the color and shape, they can be very difficult to see.

The need for turtle or tortoise exclusion fence

To help protect tortoises from getting on roads and highways, Tortoise Exclusion Fence, also referred to as Turtle Fence, is being installed throughout their habitat. Many construction projects are now even required to have an on-site biologist conduct a thorough survey of the job site and flag all burrows prior to construction. Construction crews are also required to complete a desert tortoise education program.

Tortoise exclusion fence is required and specified in many bids where highways and roads or solar fields will be constructed in tortoise habitats. It is installed to keep the tortoises out of harms way on highways and in solar fields.


turtle fence solar plant desert


The fence

Tortoise Exclusion Fence is designed specifically for preventing tortoises from gaining access to highways and roads and any other designated areas. It is made of galvanized welded wire which has a mesh opening of 1” horizontal by 2” vertical and is 36” wide. The fence is constructed of 16 gauge or heavier wire and can be GAW (Galvanized After Weld), GBW (Galvanized Before Weld) or VC (Vinyl Coated) depending upon the specifications required.


The fence material is buried a minimum of 12 inches below the natural level of the ground to prevent tortoises from burrowing underneath. This leaves 22-24 inches above ground. In situations where burying the fence is not practical because of rocky substrate, the fence material should be bent at a 90 degree angle to produce a lower section approximately 14 inches wide which will be placed parallel to, and in direct contact with, the ground surface. It is installed using 5 to 6 foot steel T-posts, hog rings and smooth or barbed livestock wire. Distances between the T-posts should not exceed 10 feet, unless the desert tortoise fence is being attached to an existing right-of-way fence that has larger interspaces between posts. See the US Department of Interior specifications and drawings for tortoise fence.

Installing the proper tortoise exclusion fence will protect the desert tortoises from possible extinction, while protecting you from fines and possible imprisonment.

Let’s all work together to save the tortoises!



Rick signature  Rick VP sales Louis E. Page, Inc. 

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